USPS selects Danbury’s RedWave for $14M mail security equipment purchase

The U.S. Postal Inspection Service has contracted with RedWave Technology of Danbury to buy $14 million worth of screening equipment to be used for mail security ”“ specifically, the company’s ThreatID infrared spectrometers.

RedWave Danbury USPSThe portable tool can analyze powders, liquids and gases to identify explosives, drugs, acids, bases, toxic chemicals and dangerous materials.

The Postal Inspection Service is one of the largest users of the infrared spectrometers in the nation, and made the purchase after evaluating several spectrometers in what RedWave described as a competitive process.

“It’s an honor that RedWave’s ThreatID was selected by the Inspection Service to help protect the nation’s mail and our country as a whole,” said John Frattaroli, CEO of RedWave.

“The ThreatID was developed to identify thousands of different threats, and we believe that the ThreatID will significantly expand the U.S. Postal Inspection Service’s ability to identify harmful materials that may find their way into the mail system.”