DeLauro: Sikorsky in line for billions if Congress passes National Defense Authorization Act
If passed, the $733 billion National Defense Authorization Act being considered by Congress could result in billions of dollars for Stratford”™s Sikorsky Aircraft, according to U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, who represents Connecticut”™s third district.
DeLauro said the measure, currently before the House, could bring $3.5 billion to the state, including $1.4 billion for Sikorsky for 73 Blackhawk helicopters and almost $542 million for research and development. The company is also scheduled to receive over $650 million to build the next generation of presidential helicopters.
However, the White House’s Office of Budget and Management said in a statement that the president would likely veto the NDAA if it includes limitations on toxic chemicals found in firefighting foam and other products, or to border wall funding and presidential authority under national emergency declarations, among other provisions. Debate on the toxic chemicals amendment could begin as early as today.