Tarrytown postal employee accused of stealing mail

A U.S. Postal Service employee has been arrested and accused of stealing mail at the Tarrytown Post Office.

Juwan Caesar has been a postal employee since 2016, picking up mail from collection boxes in Tarrytown.

The postal service hotline began receiving complaints last December from people who live or work in the Tarrytown area, according to the criminal complaint submitted by postal service agent Angela Flora. About 40 people claimed that checks they had sent by mail were missing or altered or cashed by someone other than the intended recipient.

On July 2, a camera was installed on the truck used by Caesar. On three days, videos allegedly show he held envelopes up to a light, placed them aside and then left the truck with them.

“Caesar”™s responsibilities do not include sorting mail,” the complaint states. His job is “simply to collect mail and place it in the truck.”

He was arrested after he left work on July 22. He allegedly admitted to investigators that he had been stealing mail since January.

His initial appearance was held July 23 before U.S. Magistrate Judge Lisa Smith. She released him on a $5,000 bond. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Aug. 21.