Platzner International Group accused of violating fair housing laws
An affordable housing organization has accused a New Rochelle rental apartments broker of violating fair housing laws by refusing to accept government vouchers.
Westchester Residential Opportunities Inc. (WRO) accused Merrick Platzner and Platzner International Group Ltd. of refusing to rent apartments to people who use federal Section 8 vouchers, in a complaint filed March 28 in Westchester Supreme Court.
“This form of discrimination has a profound impact,” the complaint states, “preventing people who receive government assistance from finding and securing safe housing.”
The Platzner group manages apartments for itself and others, according to the complaint. Merrick Platzner, a third-generation member of the family that has operated the company for about a hundred years, is director of rentals and sales.
The federal voucher program is designed to help low-income families, the elderly and people with disabilities rent decent, private market housing. The vouchers may be used for any housing, so long as the rent is not higher than the amount of the voucher.
Last year, WRO, a White Plains non-profit organization that promotes affordable and accessible housing, tested Platzner group”™s adherence to the laws. According to the complaint, it found flagrant violations beginning with how rentals were promoted.
Last May, for instance, an online advertisement for Marina”™s Edge, 10 Davenport Ave., New Rochelle, allegedly stated “NO SECT 8.”
A WRO tester called and spoke with Merrick Platzner and said she could pay up to $1,700 a month with a Section 8 voucher.
He allegedly responded, “So here”™s the thing, I don”™t take Westchester County Section 8. I would take New Rochelle Section 8.”
Another tester inquired last summer about apartments at 8 ”“ 10 Eastchester Road, New Rochelle, for which an online advertisement stated “Sorry, NO section8.”
She spoke with Merrick Platzner, according to the complaint, and he appeared to be helping her find an apartment within her $1,750 a month budget. But when she said she had a Section 8 voucher, he allegedly interrupted her.
“You should have led with that,” he purportedly said. “You should have just opened with that. Um, this building doesn”™t take Section 8.”
He allegedly told her that “No one wants to deal with CVR and all their requirements,” referring to a company that administers vouchers for White Plains. She would have a better chance if her voucher was from New Rochelle, “because they don”™t have as many requirements, it”™s not as rigorous, and it”™s not as demanding ”¦ on the landlord ”¦ as CVR is.”
When she asked if he had any Section 8 apartments, Platzner purportedly said that he does but “nothing at the moment.”
WRO accused Platzner group and Merrick Platzner of source of income discrimination under state and county laws that forbid discrimination against prospective tenants who use government vouchers.
It is asking the court to order the defendants to stop discriminating, address past policies and practices, and pay unspecified damages.
“Refusal to treat individuals who receive government rent subsidies on equal footing with other prospective renters,” the complaint states, “exacerbates the already profound inequities in housing.”
Neither the Platzner group nor Merrick Platzner responded to emails asking for their side of the story.
WRO is represented by Manhattan attorneys Mariann M. Wang and Daniel Mullkoff.