Michael Guberti: Nine insightful metrics to monitor in your Instagram account

Instagram”™s popular mainstay metrics include followers, likes, video views and comments. There are other statistics that can also provide insight into how your Instagram account is performing.

In addition to the primary metrics, here are nine more statistics to monitor in your Instagram account.

1. The number of times your posts are saved.
For example, let”™s say someone saves a post about your product or service. You can be led to believe that the person may have an interest in learning more about or purchasing your product or service in the future because they saved it. Instagram keeps a record of people”™s interactions with your posts and stories. The more that people interact with your messages, the more signals are sent to Instagram that people are engaging with your profile.

2. The number of times your posts and stories are shared.
People can share your post or your story either through their own posts or stories, or through direct message to other users. If people do this, it helps you understand what people want to share with their network.

3. How many replies your stories receive.
Which of your Instagram stories prompted people to send a message to your business? You can view that information in your story Insights section.

4. The number of phone calls, website clicks, emails and profile visits your posts or stories generated.
Which of your posts and stories generated phone calls to your business, clicks to visit your website, or clicks to visit your Instagram profile? Identify the posts and stories that generated the most responses, and create more like them.

5. The reach and impressions of your posts and stories.
You can view the reach and impressions of your posts and stories. Here is the difference between the two metrics: If you show something to me, one person, then you have reached one person and received one impression. If you show something to me twice, you still have reached only one person, but you have received two impressions.

6. The part of the app where people look at your post or story.
Instagram provides statistics regarding how people came across your post or story. For example, one of the posts I published for my client in the medical aesthetics industry was seen by 1,198 times by people in the “Home” section of their Instagram account. The “Home” section is the icon that looks like a house in the Instagram app. The post was seen 35 times from people looking on the business”™s Instagram profile, 22 times in the Instagram Explore feed, and 19 times from an unspecified source, called “Other.”

Some posts provide insights regarding how many times your post was seen because of its hashtags. If you”™re curious about how many people your hashtags help you reach, Instagram may show you in your post”™s Insights section.

7. Your highest-performing posts over the last two years.
Which of your posts received the most video views, likes, comments, reach, impressions, saves or shares in the last two years? That is a question that you can answer in your Instagram Insights section.

Additionally, regarding your highest performing posts, you can view metrics on which generated the most phone calls, emails sent to your business, followers, requests for directions to your office (if you have a physical location), post interactions, Instagram profile visits and website visits.

8. Whether the people who saw your post were already following your Instagram account, or if they have yet to follow it.
This gives you an idea of what percentage of the people who saw your post were already following you, and the proportion of nonfollowers that it reached.

9. How many phone calls, website visits or emails were sent to your business from your Instagram profile recently.
You can identify the number of phone calls, website visits, or emails that were sent to your business from your Instagram profile in the last 7 days and 30 days. This gives you a sense of how people have recently interacted with your business on Instagram, and differs from the number of phone calls and website visits generated from individual posts.

Bringing it all together: Analyzing the metrics in your Instagram account can help you gain market research and identify how people engage with your business from Instagram. Looking forward to seeing you leverage these insights.

Get your free Instagram guide at MichaelGuberti.com/Instagram.