Up to 99 single family houses planned for former Ridgeway Country Club
Plans are being firmed up for the development of the Ridgeway Country Club in White Plains with single family homes. The Farrell Building Company Inc., which purchased the former Ridgeway Country Club in White Plains is asking the City of White Plains to approve subdivision of the property to create parcels that would accommodate 99 single-family homes. The entire property comprises 129.68 acres.
There also would be one lot containing amenity space and a clubhouse, and six open space lots.
Farrell said that when and if it receives preliminary subdivision approval from the city it will “submit a Final Subdivision Application and Site Plan Application for those lots that contain, in particular, environmentally sensitive features.”
Farrell says that 29 of the lots would be targeted for a specified age group, such as seniors, and a “Homeowners Association (‘HOA’) will be formed to ensure that all rules and regulations pertaining to age restricted housing are followed and enforced. Additionally, the HOA will be responsible for maintaining the wide buffer area on the rear of each parcel.”
Neighborhood groups fought plans by the French American School of New York (FASNY) to build new educational facilities on the site. FASNY had purchased the property after the city declined to move ahead with a plan proposed under the administration of Former Mayor Adam Bradley to reopen the county club as a municipal golf course and recreational facility.