Stop-work orders issued for 28 construction companies

The Connecticut Department of Labor issued stop-work orders to 28 companies working on Connecticut construction sites in six towns, including Bridgeport and Stamford, between March 20 and May 20.

The Labor Department said stop-work orders are issued to companies that incorrectly classify workers as independent contractors with the intent of avoiding their obligations, under federal and state employment laws, that cover areas like workers”™ compensation, unemployment taxes and payroll reporting.

Each company that was cited was required to halt work on the sites in question and to pay a $300 fine for every day it did not carry workers’ compensation coverage. Work could resume after proof of coverage was attained.

Over the last 12 months, 189 stop-work orders have been issued to Connecticut work sites, according to the Labor Department.

Contractors on the following Fairfield County construction sites were issued work-stop orders between March 20 and May 20:

Project site: 810 Boston Ave., Bridgeport
-Park Lane Group L.L.C. (based in Litchfield)

Project site: Pacific Street, Stamford
-GM CT Drywall L.L.C. (based in Hartford)
-GM Drywall L.L.C. (based in Jackson, N.J.)

Project site: 100 Stamford Place, Stamford
-Chivas Carpet Installation L.L.C. (based in Windsor)
-Oliver Drywall (based in Waterbury)