Monroe streamlines planning and zoning application process

The town of Monroe is moving to simplify planning and zoning applications for residents and businesses.

monroe P&Z planning zoning paperworkThe changes are the result of ongoing reviews of Monroe”™s current process, according to First Selectman Ken Kellogg. “The review process has also had significant support and leadership from our Economic Development Commission and the Chamber of Commerce, and we will continue to identify opportunities to make the process easier,” he said.

The changes will be focused on reducing paperwork, as well as eliminating interim plan revision requirements prior to applications going before the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Highlights of the new process include:

  • Eliminating roughly half of the sets of paper plans required during the initial application process.
  • Allowing applications to be placed on the Planning & Zoning Commission”™s agenda in only one month, versus the current process requiring two months.
  • Eliminating the current requirement to provide plan revisions, and resubmission, prior to going before the Commission. Plan revisions will only be requested by the Commission after they have received all input and comments from staff, other boards, and at the public hearing.

Anyone wishing to meet with staff to discuss a potential application prior to submission is still allowed and encouraged, Kellogg said. The First Selectman also noted that the changes will reduce costs for applicants.

“While we will continue to review the process and identify opportunities, there is no reason to delay this improvement,” said Kellogg.