Cross County Center seeks to modify approval for new construction
Brooks Shopping Centers LLC, jointly owned by Marx Realty and Benenson Capital Partners, has applied to Yonkers for amended site plan approval regarding its Cross County Center property at 808 Central Park Ave. It is seeking approval to modify the previously approved site plan for the property to permit new construction.
According to Attorney Janet Giris of the White Plains-based law firm DelBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr LLP, the Cross County Center property consists of approximately 71.25 acres. In 2007, the Yonkers Planning Board granted site plan approval to permit the renovation of the Center. Since that time, the approved plan has been amended a number of times. The amendment now being sought is for new buildings and a parking garage on the section of the property known as the North Lot.
According to Giris, the approved plan called for that area to be redeveloped with three new buildings and a two-level parking structure containing 1,850 parking spaces. The Center is now proposing the construction of two buildings on either side of an open green plaza, together with a sub-surface parking structure to be constructed beneath the plaza and the two buildings.
The proposed parking structure would be constructed in a portion of the existing surface parking area. Access to the lower level parking structure will be via by two ramps: one at the west side of one of the new buildings and the other at the north side of the other building.
Giris said that the two new buildings and open green plaza and the associated parking structure are proposed in the same general location as the formerly approved three buildings. One of the buildings would be two stories in height and have approximately 41,200 square feet of retail space. The other building is proposed to be one story and contain approximately 13,800 square feet of retail space. The total proposed square footage of the two new buildings would be consistent with the square footage of the previously approved three buildings.
Giris described the open green plaza as a passive recreational amenity for the center. She said that the proposed site plan amendments for construction of the two new buildings and parking garage will not result in any new or significant environmental impacts and the Center will continue to comply with all zoning requirements.