Wilton company to auction hundreds of historic objects

University Archives, a Wiltona purveyor of stamps, collectables, autographs, historical documents and other ephemera announced yesterday an August 7 auction of correspondence sent by some of the most famous people in history.

Letters sent by Albert Einstein, Davy Crockett, and Lee Harvey Oswald are on offer alongside an extensive collection of annotated speeches delivered by Ronald Regan, signed photos from the crew of the atomic bomber Enola Gay, and an array of signed balls from pivotal moments in sport.

“The August 7th auction is bursting with exceptional items from every imaginable collecting category, from U.S. Presidential, Science, and Americana, to World Leaders, Literature, and Sports,” said John Reznikoff, the president and owner of University Archives. “As in our June sale, our August sale will feature a grouping of unique historical pieces deaccessioned from the prestigious Forbes Collection, as well as a significant number of lots relating to Ronald Reagan.”

Bids at the time of writing start as low as $50 for Civil War General Benjamin Butler’s rail pass to $35,000 for a signed letter from famed physicist Albert Einstein.

For more information or to register for bidding, visit https://www.universityarchives.com/auctions/upcoming-auctions/