Stamford Parks Community Partnership launches

A new non-profit organization will help foster collaboration between Stamford businesses, residents and the city itself in improving the city’s parks and recreational areas.

Called the Stamford Parks Community Partnership, it launched on May 22 as a 501(c)(3) and already has corporate commitments from the Wellbuilt Company, Philip Morris International, the Ashforth Company, and Henkel, supplemented by a $100,000 matching pledge from the Dalio foundation.

“Parks are at the heart of our city, providing vital spaces for recreation, relaxation, and connection with nature,” Simmons said in a news release. “My vision is for all Stamford residents to have access to a quality park within a 10-minute walk from where they live and funding from the Stamford Parks Community Partnership will fund projects that ensure we are equitably funding parks across our city. We invite residents, businesses and local organizations to spread the word and participate in this exciting initiative.”

The Partnership’s overall goal is to help private and public funds and efforts combine their resources to improve public space throughout the city. Adopt-a-Green and Adopt-a-Park programs will help foster a visible connection between corporations and the community while the Stamford Youth Service Corps will receive funding for an expansion of youth employees who can earn wages and job expereince while beautifying city parks.

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