O’Shaughnessy Ventures backs 3D-printable magnet research

O’Shaughnessy Ventures of Greenwich has given a $100,000 fellowship to Michelle Wang, a New York-based engineer working with 3D-printing of magnets.

Wang will use the fellowship to continue her research into creating 3D-printed magnets, which would enable the use of low-waste magnet creation and the production of novel magnetic structures which could unlock a whole new world of design possibilities across many different industries.

“A 3D-printed magnet would represent one of the most significant leaps in magnetic technology in more than 40 years and enable a range of new technologies, research projects and business opportunities,” reads the press release for O’Shaughnessy Ventures.

Wang’s prior research includes work on underwater robotics applications and developing improved prosthetics. She hopes that her latest research will have applications in improving the power grid.

“I’m grateful to the OSV team for this opportunity, and for taking big bets on garage tinkering and early stage ideas,” said Wang. “I’m excited to develop new manufacturing methods for magnets, which I hope will expand our technological capabilities.”

OSV’s founder and CEO, Jim O’Shaughnessy, commented, “Magnets are a key component of the manufacturing process. By improving magnetic technology, we could unlock all kinds of exciting new opportunities. We were extremely impressed by Michelle’s vision and experience, and look forward to supporting her with this project over the coming months.”