Maplewood Ventures invests in Fairfields Rum

Market expansion, the release of an 8-year sherry cask finished reserve, and a new low-alcohol offering from Fairfields Rum (based in Fairfield of course) were all the results of a funding gained from an investment from Maplewood Ventures in Westport.

“We will be going deeper into existing markets, releasing our reserve, and launching our evolutionary ready to serve low-alcohol rum cocktails,” said Frank Klein, CEO of Fairfields.

Currently distributed to select restaurants within Connecticut, plans are in place for ecommerce sales across California, New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the near future as well.

Fairfields Rum founders Joy Bradford and Frank Klein.

“We continue to be well received by not only rum drinkers but those seeking a no-additive clear spirit that is expressive and nuanced,” Klein added. “The lower sugar, diverse craft drinks that bartenders are making with Fairfields showcase how versatile an all-naturally distilled, no sugar added white rum can be.”

“If you like your tequila, you will love our rum,” said co-founder Joy Bradford. “We use a blend of Agricole and Molasses distillations to create a rum that sips on its own over ice like tequila or can be used in simple three ingredient cocktails.”

“We are truly excited and proud to support Frank, Joy and the wider Fairfields Team as their production partner on these incredible rums,” Co-CEO of Next Century Spirit Anthony Moniello said. “Fairfields’ headquarters are right in our backyard and supporting skilled entrepreneurs like Frank is core to who we are. We believe in what they’re building as well as the quality of the rum at-hand and are excited to be part of their wider journey ahead.”