People’s United Community Foundation dishes $147K in grants
The People”™s United Community Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Bridgeport-based People”™s United Bank, has awarded more than $147,000 during its first grant cycle of 2016 to Fairfield County nonprofits.
Seventeen organizations received funding. Eight are from Bridgeport.
The nonprofits”™ activities include basic needs services; affordable housing initiatives; education; and life skills training programs.
Recipients included Bridgeport Public Education Fund, Discovery Museum, and Cardinal Shehan Center in Bridgeport, Operation Hope of Fairfield, Open Door Shelter in Norwalk, Domestic Violence Crisis Center and Neighbors Link in Stamford, Emerge in Stratford, Literacy Volunteers of Danbury, Horizons at Greens Farms Academy and Meals on Wheels in Ridgefield.
People”™s United Community Foundation has awarded a total $937,959 during its first grant cycle of 2016 to nonprofit organizations throughout the communities it serves in Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
The funding was distributed within the foundation”™s three areas of focus: community development; youth development; and affordable housing initiatives.
The People”™s United Community Foundation also contributed 19 percent of its funding to local United Way organizations across its footprint through the People”™s United Bank employee match campaign.
“Through the funding and support of our wonderful nonprofit partners, the People”™s United Community Foundation also helps to address the most urgent needs in our communities,” said Karen Galbo, foundation director.
Established in 2007, People”™s United Community Foundation was formed to help support programs and activities that enhance the quality of life for citizens in the communities that People”™s United Bank serves.