Bradley Airport among many impacted by Microsoft outage

Friday morning saw widespread outages in computers and information technology systems due to a widespread issue with Windows computers. The issue, which is seeing some machines that were recently updated get stuck in “boot loops” and unable to function normally has already impacted Bradley Interntional Airport.

As of 9:30 AM, the airport had stopped all departures. Arriving flights are continuing to land but delays and cancelations are beginning to  mount on the airport’s status board, found here:

The accuracy of much the information is not verified, as the computer issue is also impacting certain web-based services.

Travelers across the region are urged to check the status of their flights before leaving for the airport not only at Bradley, but also Tweed New Haven, and all major New York airports.

The outages are impacting almost every industry, with banks, hospitals and financial institutions, preparations for the Paris Olympics, and more all reporting impacts alongside many individuals who are unable to use personal computers for any purpose.