Section of Ridgefield wins state’s first ‘Cultural District’ designation

A section of Ridgefield has been designated by the state as a “Cultural District” ”“ the first such designation made in Connecticut.

Ridgefield cultural
Image courtesy the town of Ridgefield.

The designation recognizes the section ”“ which encompasses such institutions as Keeler Tavern, ACT, the Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield Playhouse, and others ”“ as being an artistic and economic center of cultural activities that makes the community extraordinary.

Ridgefield”™s Cultural District will be promoted and marketed by the state Department of Economic Community Development, which includes the Office of the Arts and the Office of Tourism, along with Ridgefield”™s Designated Regional Service Organization. which is the Cultural Alliance of Western CT.

“The people of Ridgefield have long appreciated the abundance of arts and culture in town,” said Ridgefield First Selectman Rudy Marconi. “We are thrilled that the state also recognizes all that Ridgefield has to offer, by giving us the first Cultural District designation.”

Signs will be placed on the north and south side of Main Street, marking when visitors enter the Cultural District.