Opalka Gallery exhibition to recall The Great Migration

The Opalka Gallery at Albany”™s Russell Sage College will be presenting “UP SOUTH: Reflection on the Great Migration,” a solo exhibition by the artist ransome.

Presented in collaboration with Black Dimensions in Art Inc., the exhibition offers a distinctive consideration of one of the most significant occurrences in the American experience: The Great Migration, a 60-year movement where Black Americans left the poverty and oppression of the Jim Crow South in search of new lives in the North, Midwest, and West. In new paintings, installation and sculpture, the artist reflects on both this defining moment in the nation”™s history and the ways that this historic narrative impacted his work.

The exhibition runs from March 7 through April 22. More information is available on the gallery”™s website.

Photo: ransome”™s “Waiting on the Road,” acrylic and collage, 2022.