Merritt 7 ‘sprucing up’ city with $60K in oversized planters

In order to make way for parking at Merritt 7 in Norwalk, the office complex’s management company, Marcus Partners, is donating 50 elephantine planters ”“ valued at $1,200 each ”“ to the city and to private businesses for beautification.

The planters are 3.5 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Half are envisioned as going to city streets and half to companies.

Individual neighborhoods also can apply for a planter.

“The planters were extras from a previous landscaping project at Merritt 7, where they contain small trees, shrubs and flowers in the courtyards and other outdoor areas at each building,” Lou DiMeglio, a building engineer for Marcus Partners, said. “Now, the space where the planters were stored is needed for parking. Marcus Partners tries to be environmentally friendly by recycling whenever possible. They didn”™t want to destroy the planters, so I suggested donating them for sprucing up Norwalk.”

The Norwalk Recreation & Parks Department has accepted the donation.

Michael Mocciae, the Recreation & Parks Department director, said, “We appreciate this donation from Marcus Partners. The planters have been moved to Taylor Farm and, now that the busy summer season is over, we will put about half of the planters to good use at city parks and other facilities.”

Mocciae, DiMeglio and Jennifer Rowe, Merritt 7 tenant and property services, recently gathered at Taylor Farm Park on Calf Pasture Beach Road, where the big pots are now stored, to highlight the gift.

The remaining planters are being offered free of charge for beautifying corporate and neighborhood locations in Norwalk. To request planters and arrange for pick up, call the Norwalk Recreation & Parks Department at 203-854-7807.